By Sr. Abigail Mwaka

The Handmaids of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Archdiocese of Lusaka recently celebrated a significant event. Two devoted Religious women, Novice Mutambwa Adorable Senti and Sr. Agness Bwalya Zulu, expressed their lifelong commitment to the service of humanity, particularly women and children, by making their first and perpetual vows respectively.

The ceremony was held at Mary Immaculate parish in Lusaka and mass was presided over by the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Lusaka Fr. Andrew Simpasa SJ.

The inspiring homily was delivered by Fr. Gilbert Banda SJ who used the occasion to remind the congregants about the importance of listening and reasoning before reacting to any situation. Fr. Banda drew lessons from the life of Peter, a disciple of Jesus Christ, who was known for his impulsive responses to his master Jesus.

From left to right Sr. Adorable Mutambwa Senti and Sr. Agnes Bwalya Zulu.

He further encouraged the congregants to channel any destructive energy into love, following in the footsteps of St. Paul who is known for his persecution of God’s people and his initial rejection of God and later transformed that same energy into spreading the word of God and showing love to His people.

Meanwhile, in the same week leading up to the profession day, the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Blessed Virgin Mary received 5 Novices and 10 Postulants on 27th July 2024.

Behold the Handmaid of the Lord Luke1:26-38.

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