Three Sisters from the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters) have pronounced their lifelong commitment to be Christ’s brides eternally until death, marking a significant milestone in their lives.

The three Sisters, Sr. Hellen Kalesu, Sr. Fridah Longolongo, and Sr. Christine Mukonde, pledged to continue serving the Lord and working towards the salvation of young people, especially the underprivileged, aiming to guide them to become virtuous Christians and upright citizens.

Mass was held at St. James Parish Chimese in Mansa and was celebrated by Rt. Rev. Patrick Chisanga OFM.CONV, Bishop of Mansa. In his inspiring homily, Bishop Chisanga reminded the Sisters that God’s love is unconditional, irrespective of the actions of the Sisters, quoting, “God says I knew you before you were born, meaning before you did anything good or bad.”

He also encouraged the Sisters to trust and obey their Superiors’ decisions, even when they may not fully comprehend them, and to have faith in the Lord who called them to this vocation.

Furthermore, Bishop Chisanga urged the Sisters to cultivate discernment in their lives, cautioning them about the devil’s ability to disguise himself in various forms, such as fellow Sisters, Priests, or modern gadgets.

He also stressed the importance of constructive criticism among the Sisters and the need to adapt their communities to accommodate one another.

Additionally, he advised parents to be mindful of the information they share with their daughters.

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